Monday, July 2, 2012

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Yes, yes, I know I've tried this before, but I'm doing it again....the blogging thing. I started the last blog to showcase art stuff I was doing and contests and whatnot I was entering. I realized I sucked at art but still loved it and so I decided to go to school to learn how to do it right. I looked at a few places and finally chose the one I'm attending now: The Art Institute of Dallas.
So far, I've moved to Dallas and set up living space in a friends back-bedroom, partly with a cat named Brooklyn who won't leave. I've signed all my financial aid stuff and I'll be heading off to orientation July 5th at 10 a.m.
I hope to keep up my blog so that all my friends and family that are all spread out can keep track of me so I won't have to send out a crap-ton of individual e-mails and Facebook status updates that get overlooked.
Fingers crossed, wish me luck?
I have no idea what I'm getting into, do I?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

U R have no idea what you are getting into...and that is exactly the way it should life...the unknown...every day a new day...age doesn't a once well known singer once sang, "Keep on truckin'!!!"
Have fun, Vicki! Peace & Luv, Loretta