Saturday, July 7, 2012

Magic 8 ball

It's 1 o'clock in the afternoon and I just got dressed. I lay in my bed earlier feeling sad. I blame hormones. Stupid being 40.
I asked my magic 8 ball (yes, everyone should have one to make important decisions...why do you thing I came to Dallas to go to art school?) if I should get out of bed today. It said "outlook good". Okay, then, I'll try it.
Of course, I know if I don't get up and get out I won't accomplish anything and I need to find a job so I can continue to pay my tuition and continue to go to school. The plasma thing didn't work out because you have to get there first thing (7:30 am) in the morning to make an appointment. I live about 19 miles from this place, but in Dallas traffic in the morning between 6am and 9am, you're really not getting anywhere anytime soon. I'd have to leave by 6:30 to get there - just to make an appointment! So that is on the "only if I'm really desperate" list for now, along with cocktail waitressing and passing out flyers in high heels.
I know I'm not the only one out there like this. My friend, who lives in a town close by, is having the same problem.
Please send out the good vibes for us so we can live our dreams! And send money, too, if you want. I wouldn't mind that.


The magic 8 ball doesn't lie! I got up, got dressed, put some concealer on, combed my hair and went out to find a coffee shop I heard about. Heard some gossip about jobs and when I got home (after purchasing some very delicious cupcakes) I applied for a job at UPS and got an interview for Thursday after class! I'm very excited. I hope I get it. So everyone cross your fingers, do a dance, say a prayer or whatever you do!

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