Sunday, November 10, 2013

A tale of elephants who wrestle at night

As many of you know, I am severely annoyed with my upstairs neighbors at all times. Not only do the  floors squeak so loudly that I can be awaken from a sound sleep by them, but the people that live up there are the most inconsiderate asses I've ever had the displeasure of living under - ever.

The week I moved in, I heard the floors and a bunch of ruckus, so I went up to introduce myself. "Maybe they don't know someone moved in," I thought. So I let them know that I was living down there now. I guess, me being silly, assumed that they would use some sort of consideration and think "Oh, ok, maybe we shouldn't turn up our surround sound here in the 600 square foot apartment so loud, now that someone lives down there. Or, maybe we could hold our elephant wrestling tournaments until later in the morning and not at 6:30 a.m. like we have been. Or maybe we should not have our computer monitors or tv plastered to the windows we leave open ALL the time so the crap we have up at unbelievable volumes won't travel out and bother everyone outside our apartment at odd hours of the night and day."

None of that happened and that is why I call them inconsiderate asses. Because any time I went up to say "Hey, I'm trying to sleep (or read or study) can you turn down your drive-in movie theater quality sound system while you play Call of Duty or whatever you're doing?"- they kept doing it, as if another day meant I couldn't hear them. They would say "It's normal apartment living noise."

Really? Because any time I've ever lived in an apartment (or dorms), sure I hear some stuff, but it's not enough to complain about. So if I'm complaining (religiously), that means you are exceeding the allowable noise limit for close quarter living and that makes you an inconsiderate ass. The videos I made and put on YouTube do not even come close to doing justice in showing what I deal with.
I posted on Facebook about it a lot and at one time I had a whole committee of comments and suggestions on what to do. It's nice to know my peeps got my back.

Now, after months of this going on, I told management that I can no longer live under these beings for fear of me going to prison for stabbing them in the face.
I don't know if that was the comment that pushed me to the head of the line or not, but they eschewed my lease penalties and I will be moving into a new, squeak-free apartment November 22nd. I know I will be dealing with a new barrage of noise, like cars passing by, but that is noise I can handle.

If anyone would like to help me piecemeal my move, let me know. I'll make a casserole.