Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Holy lots-o-crap, Batman!

So, my digital illustration class final exam is the prime example of why I drink before I go to this class. I didn't have a drink today and I was freakin' the fuck out.

First, the instructor started talking about the exam sheet he supposedly passed out - which he forgot to do, then when we saw it, we all started freaking out all over again. Here's why:

Granted, all this is due the final hour on the last class which is in two weeks. This, for me, translates to approximately 3 days because I don't have these programs at home, so I have to go to school to work on it....when I'm not at work or at my other classes and when a computer at school is open.

I'm pretty sure I can muddle my way through most of it. I did just learn all of what you see here only this past 9 weeks. It's a lot of tedious work, which I hate. I did notice that there were two number 22's, so I asked if we could pick which one we wanted to do. He said no. Then I asked if we could just pick five things on here to do instead of all of them. Nope.

I will let you all know the outcome. In the meantime, call up your spirits or pray or dance or whatever it is that you do, because I'll need it. That and a beer.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

can you cook chicken?


Here is another video blog for my friend, Elizabeth. This was done in the morning, no makeup, so please excuse the bags under my little eyes. They are courtesy of my noisy upstairs neighbors (assholes).


"No! I'm gonna use shitty vinegar!" - you can't tell me
how to live my life!

the paragraph it takes to tell you how to cook chicken!

"do not ask for this in Virginia - those country folks have no
clue" This stems from when I tried to cook this for my
mother last year. We combed three markets and at each
one I asked for plantains and got the same head-scratching
blank stare: "Wut's a plan-tain?"
a cartoon me! my friend Danny drew this
for my birthday present. I LOVE it!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

all aboard the Night Train

I don't do the drugs, but I'm feeling restless lately.

At first I thought it was because I didn't take a trip this year for my birthday like I have done the last ten years, but I was in school, something I wanted to do. So, why do I feel this way? My age? I don't think so. I've come to terms with that. Most people my age are off running companies and have kids and shit, but I know I don't want to do that, so it doesn't bother me anymore.

I was watching a movie the other night (Take Me Home Tonight) and it really drove a thought in my head:

It's like I feel almost homesick, but not to visit my family, all though I love them so hard. I feel homesick for an adventure. I'm bored. I've not gone this long without doing something fun and new or going somewhere new for a long time. 

I don't think money is going to be an issue to solve this.  I'm sometimes able to find money in unexpected places, like how I find free food. What can I say, I'm creative at foraging. I should be, I've had to do that for a while.

The other day at work (blah) I told my co-worker, Vania, that I was feeling this way. I said, "I feel like I just need to yell at somebody from a moving car or get in a fight or dance on a table or flash my boobs or, I don't know....SOMETHING!" She laughed at me and said I should go to a club and go dancing.

I've got four more weeks of school then we get a summer break for three, so if anyone has any suggestions for a wild time, please let me know ASAP! Vicki is dying!

this is what 41 looks like

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

what's the haps?

It's been a while since I've written here, but it's okay, I think only one person missed me.

I will sum up what's been going on:
1. mid-terms
2. my birthday

Here are some pictures:

a skirt my mother made for me

my chalk drawing on my side of the sidewalk

me and my friend, Marci at school...my tiara for my birthday!
she brought me a donut with candles!

the sign on my dishwasher..."this is not a dishwasher"
It's a reference to a Rene Magritte painting "this is not a pipe"
meaning it's only an image of a pipe. In this case, my dishwasher
is not a dishwasher, it's a dish cabinet.