Monday, January 7, 2013

So, how did my new classes go?

I have two classes on Mondays: Writing II and Concept Design.
My writing teacher gave this explanation for managing time: Just like Buddhist monks, chop wood, carry water - it's all a part of daily life. That's a good philosophy to have. Writing II will consist of the final project being a research paper on pretty much any topic we want to choose from current events. This is too broad a subject and I don't know what to pick. I have two weeks to figure it out though. Does anyone have any ideas for me?

Then, in my next class today, I felt as if my teacher was some version of Lewis Black (a comedian, see a video here if you don't know who he is) He's pretty easy going and is an illustrator by trade. He's quirky and we all like to laugh at him. Our final project, will consist of all the projects we'll be completing, which will involve using the Illustrator and/or Photoshop programs I don't know how to use very well. We'll do logos, an ad campaign, brochures and a microsite.
Both teachers make me feel like, yes they will be there to help with anything I may have trouble with, just like my other teachers did. Which is a good thing and I know I'll use them like I have the teachers before them. Why not? I'm paying for it!

me saying "Bye, I'm leaving for school now!"

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