Monday, January 28, 2013

Like Dory said...

I had all my assignments done for classes today: Essay, journal entry, vocab words, reading, sketches, logos, illustrations for articles. Yay me! Now, we have more. Twice as much since we missed last week. No yay for me. Now, just for my Writing class I have: 4 reading assignments, 4 journal entries, one essay, begin steps for research paper. Okay, not too bad. Now comes my Concept Designs class: put together process binder for first two weeks assignments which include: three companies and 10 thumbnail sketches for logos for each one, 20 words on each one that describes said company, 5 pages of source logos (inspiration), final digital comps on each using (my favorite) Illustrator program (which I can only do at school since I don't have nor can afford Adobe CS6), also begin complex logo designs for three new companies with ten thumbnail sketches for each one, 20 new words for each one, 5 more pages of source logos, final pencil composition for the illustration on an article from last week, 3 final digital comps of first three company logos....E-I-E-I-O  and Bingo was his name-o.
Granted, my school work is not difficult, at all, there's just a lot of it. And I still have to go to work, still want to see that movie "Warm Bodies" and still have to finish my Roman brag book for Typography this week and I'm on Skype with my bookclub on Sunday.
I think I missed something, but I'm sure I'll realize as soon as I'm about twenty miles away from where I can do anything about it.
just keep swimming, just keep swimming, swimming, swimming....

Sunday, January 27, 2013

it's Sunday...we ride!

I hardly ever talk about what happens at work unless someone is complaining about not being able to use their coupons because everything they got was on sale. That still irks me, you know?
So today, I show up and I'm the only cashier there. I was informed I was going to be the only cashier there for another two hours. I'm okay with that, it just means I couldn't take my break and I really like my break because I usually eat then even though I only have 15 minutes. Yes, I eat before I leave the house, but if you know me, you know I eat often. There I am, doing fine at first, just some vacuuming, refolding some blankets and filing some tax exempt forms. Then, I guess church let out because everyone showed up at once and wanted to use their coupons on their sale items. I had about ten people or so in line, with the phone ringing and other customers standing at the door asking where various things were located in the store. The piece "The Ride of the Valkyries" kept going through my head, but I got some help from a manager and a stock person and everything was cool....for about 20 minutes when the wave started again. Finally some relief showed up and I got to eat my penne pasta with basil creme sauce and life was good again.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Like a band of gypsies...

I took a little trip today to look at some apartments near school. Upon seeing the building conditions and the neighborhood (The Dallas Police Department refers to this area as "Five Points"), I decided to widen my circle. I found two places where I felt I would not get stabbed walking to my door and where I could wake up each morning without wondering if my car was still in the parking lot and intact. They are just a bit more expensive, but at least I'll be safer.
After my trip, I trollied down Greenville Avenue, near the "M" streets. This is one of my favorite places in Dallas. Most of Dallas feels upscale and pretentious, but this area feels almost hippie-like, probably due to the fact that it is the college neighborhood. I decided to stop in at The Corner Market.   This place has great sandwiches and it's adjoined with a cupcake place that sets out free samples! Today I ordered a grilled portobello with spinach and brie slathered with spicy Dijon mustard and a side of homemade sweet pickles for about $7. I added on a bottle of Pepsi made in Mexico; my fav because it's  made with REAL sugar. While at the cafe, I worked on my research paper: organizing my thoughts and scribbled notes. Later, my friend from school, Bernardo, texted me so I went to hang with him at the school library for a while. We talked about cute guys but didn't meet any.
And now, home again, home again, jiggity-jig.

Monday, January 21, 2013

this was not Quad City DJ's train....

I decided to ride the trains today since I didn't have class or work. So on this rare occasion I wrangled my friend Jerrad, who was happy to go with me. We goofed off mostly: me pretending to fly in the breeze at the depot while wearing his batman hoodie and him pretending to slide down banisters. We changed trains at some point downtown where I spotted a large (homeless? working?) woman who I'm not sure if she was wearing any pants. She had on some sort of girdle looking peach-colored slip thing, striped socks (no shoes) and a sweater. I pointed her out to my travel buddy and he said "ugh! It's so hideous, I can't look away." I did not get a picture of her, although I tried on the trip back, but she had moved on. I did get some pictures of the bricks at North Lake College stop and a shot of the reflection while going through a tunnel. Good times today, if only for a short time.

Enjoy these pictures!

wondering why these names are in the bricks at the college stop...maybe they study these guys there?

Hey! I studied this guy. He's the father of color theory, he invented the color wheel we use today!

playing around with reflections in window while going through a tunnel

my favorite painter

the light at the end of the tunnel!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Hat like a Roman

my Christmas hat from Cathy!
Let's see, where were we? Oh, right. Classes and what not. So far I'm having fun. My homework is not difficult, there is just a lot of it. Last Thursday I had my first Typography class with Mrs. Bryant. She is unique, to say the least. So that we all know where we stand when it comes to writing, she gave an enormous history lesson starting with the people of Mesopotamia all the way through to the fall of the Roman Empire and the stone tablets that they all kept track of their wheat on. I felt like I was at an extended story time hour, which I was completely enamored by because I love history. Most of my classmates did not feel the same. I could tell by the way their heads bobbed toward the desktops. She talked about how the ancient Greeks had somehow figured out how to make gold pliable for the jewelry they wore and that this recipe was recorded but through out the course of wars, it was lost. Lost forever and we will never know how they did it. I suspect it was alien activity. How else can something we can't repeat be explained? I did't tell her my theory though. I didn't want to make her angry; she was having such a good time with her stories.

In my writing class, the professor asked if anyone did anything exciting over the weekend. I, of course, did not. That made me think, "Man, I'm slipping. I need to stir something up. Stupid work, getting in the way of my leisure activities again." I have decided on my research paper topic: "what are you doing here?  americas immigration laws and how they compare to those of other countries. "
I'm going to use the movie "A day without a Mexican" as a jumping off point. I think it will be a fun perspective on this subject.
Aside from school, I also have been thinking of a cookbook: cheap eats and their fabulous leftovers for the single person. I know there are tons of cookbooks out there that claim they are for one person, but they lie. Mine is solely for eating on your own, by yourself. Not for when you have friends over or when you have to take something to the office potluck. Not for single mothers with kids. Not for single people that have access to a lot of cash and can afford ridiculous ingredients that will only be used once in their lifetime. Actual single people! I know that I'm living with friends right now and so a lot of the time I am cooking for more than one, but there are days when the Mr and Mrs take the little one and venture out and I'm left to fend for myself. I don't mind, there are two refrigerators full of groceries to choose from. But, when I move out on my own, I will barely have one fridge and then what? Then that's where the stories for my cookbook will come in to play.
I would also like to note that someone told me they do not enjoy reading blogs, but they do enjoy looking at mine. I suspect it's because I'm cool and groovy in my subject matter and don't drone on and on and on and on about shit nobody really cares about.
Am I right?

Tuesday, January 15, 2013


I know I have not posted anything on my blog. Nobody seems to have missed me regaling my stories about my in' and out's here. If you have, please let me know, there is a lot you need caught up on. You probably can not post here unless you have a account, in which case, just email me!

do you miss me? hello?

Monday, January 7, 2013

So, how did my new classes go?

I have two classes on Mondays: Writing II and Concept Design.
My writing teacher gave this explanation for managing time: Just like Buddhist monks, chop wood, carry water - it's all a part of daily life. That's a good philosophy to have. Writing II will consist of the final project being a research paper on pretty much any topic we want to choose from current events. This is too broad a subject and I don't know what to pick. I have two weeks to figure it out though. Does anyone have any ideas for me?

Then, in my next class today, I felt as if my teacher was some version of Lewis Black (a comedian, see a video here if you don't know who he is) He's pretty easy going and is an illustrator by trade. He's quirky and we all like to laugh at him. Our final project, will consist of all the projects we'll be completing, which will involve using the Illustrator and/or Photoshop programs I don't know how to use very well. We'll do logos, an ad campaign, brochures and a microsite.
Both teachers make me feel like, yes they will be there to help with anything I may have trouble with, just like my other teachers did. Which is a good thing and I know I'll use them like I have the teachers before them. Why not? I'm paying for it!

me saying "Bye, I'm leaving for school now!"

Friday, January 4, 2013

I'm a little skird...

So, I went to the registrar today to pick up my official class schedule.
I have a writing class, which I am looking forward to since I love to write (and, ahem, haven't been writing much lately). I have a typography class where I understand I will be doing some calligraphy in addition to other stuff of the like. But the class I am a little nervous about is my Concept Design class. Here is a piece of the syllabus:

Course Description:
This course focuses on the creation of hard - edge computer - generated vector based artwork. Students will learn how to transpose original, hand - drawn artwork into electronic files for print using Adobe Illustrator as the primary software package.
Student Learning Outcomes
By the end of this course students should be able to:
1. Design and apply corporate graphic standards
2. Design logos that are distinctive, visible, adaptable, and memorable.
3. Produce as much shit as possible for portfolio.
4. Reproduce hand generated designs and illustrations using the chosen software program.
5. Navigate comfortably in the chosen software programs.
6. Verbalize the various menus and terminology.

As you can see, I have hi-lited #3. I hope I can do well here, especially since I will need to use those software programs which I am still uncertain and uncomfortable using. 
If you are a religious person, pray for me. If you are not, cross your fingers for me and wish for the best. 
I'll need it!