Thursday, October 23, 2014

Humans and lettuce

The Humans:

On Wednesday nights I have my Oral Communications class. My professor is a hoot and I think he's pretty good at explaining why we need to study how to communicate. If I'm able to give the right answers at an interview, then I'll be above the rest of the artists trying for the same job.
Here is a sample of the syllabus for this class and hilighted in yellow is why he cracks us up:

The Lettuce:

So, on Tuesdays I have class from 1-5 then again from 6-10. In between I stroll over to Which 'Wich and have a sandwich for dinner. This week, after eating a hot roast beef, I was picking lettuce from between my teeth - a usual thing - when my filling popped out. "Oh Jaysus, what the hell is going on?" I moved my tongue around and felt the hole in my very back left bottom molar. It didn't hurt and there was no sensitivity, so I thought, "Well, I guess I'll just find a dentist tomorrow and see about getting that put back together."
That was the plan. Here is what resulted. This tooth had a filling in it already on the top from when I was in the Air Force stationed at Wichita Falls. Then, a few years ago, another filling was put on the other side of the tooth in Maryland. This is the filling that popped out. It was never put in properly in the first place so the whole tooth is in decay. So my new dentist is putting on a crown and it's fourteen hundred bucks because I don't have insurance. Luckily I have a Discover credit card I can use so I called my parents because they are cosigners on the card. I told my mother what was going on and she's like "Whaaaatt?? why is it so much?" I told her "That's just how much things cost these days. It's not 1985. Anyway, I just wanted to let you know in case you see the statement you'll know I haven't been out renting limousines and hookers." Then she said, "Well, what you do is your business, just as long as you paying off the card like you said you would and not screwing up our credit."
These are the people that raised me. How great are they? 

And now I want to eat, but the whole left side of my face is still numb.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

new week, new stuff

The second week of school is underway and the new season of one of my favorite shows started on Sunday. All week I was excited to start watching The Walking Dead, then I remembered I don't have cable anymore and how could I watch my show? My friend Cathy gave me a website, which I went to on Monday after work. Since I'm technologically challenged, (not to mention it was the first day of my period, so I was in no mood to deal with something like this) I tried to get the show to play several ways and when I finally did, it was some error in loading! WTF!? I just want to lay on the couch and watch my show! Then, I asked my friend, Jeff about another website and that was taking too long to download so he sent me another link, which I eventually figured out how to load.

Some days I just want things to be easy, especially on days when my whole body hurts and I'm loosing blood by the pints. I've since discovered that if I wait until Wednesday, I can watch it on my On Demand portal Time Warner Cable is allowing me to have so far.

Now, about this school thing. In my writing for Public Relations, we have to start a blog. Well, luckily, I already have one (see?). But for the assignment, I went ahead and started a new one. If you've seen pictures of my waffle iron stuff on Pinterest or Facebook then you'll be excited to read about the experiments. is where you'll find all the new things. It's also the tab up top there that reads "Read how Vicki waffles".

I have to write a new entry each week, so it may be more reliable than this blog.
Bon Appetite!

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Me, worry? Yes.

The last few weeks or so I've been feeling nervous about school -- more like what's going to happen AFTER school, you know, like when I graduate. (I have had my concerns before, read here.)
I have concerns about being hired because will my work be good enough?
I talked to some classmates about this the other day and one guy said, "What's wrong with your work? It's fine." I said, "Yeah, it's fine, not good like yours." He just shook his head. Another girl said, "Yeah, I know what you mean because I have ideas but I have trouble making them turn out the way I envisioned."
Oh! Thank god! I thought it was only me!
But still, I feel it's lacking because I compare my projects to those of other students. My friend Nick, for example, at the end of our Observational Drawing class, his poster was hung in the hallway and of course I was jealous because I had trouble enough just drawing circles trying to block out a candlestick. Then last quarter, he finished his project in package design and it's now on display in one of the cases at school along with others who have exceptional work. My final project in that class was just ok. I had a great idea, I thought, but had trouble bringing it to fruition.
So, he's talented, no doubt, but does he have the same drive as I do? Maybe, maybe not. But work like his is what I'll be up against and this is why I'm worried.
During the lecture in my Writing for Public Relations and Promotions class today, I realized that I'm genetically wired to be in Advertising. It took me a long time to get here because I was out discovering the world first, and in turn, myself. I know myself, I know what I can do. I'm outgoing, willing to strive for just a little more and I can explain why I designed something the way I did. These, apparently, are elements needed to succeed in my career field. Does Nick possess all these? Maybe not as well as I do, but he is an excellent creator and designer - two things I'm learning to do. I know what my strengths are and I'm learning how to play those up. I also hope to have something of mine on display at school one day.
first day of the Fall quarter…weeeeee!!!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

and I just keep swimmin'

So it's my week off from school. No parties this time, but I did manage to do a weekends worth of stuff in one day.
Friday September 26, I had my final exam in my Copyright law class. Before the exam, the teacher announced the students with the highest grades and gave out art gallery books. I got the second highest grade so, yes, I got my art gallery book and love it. Thanks Mr. Darnold!
Next, I wizzed through the exam then trotted over to the train station to meet my friend Marci. We jumped on the red line and headed downtown with a plan to see the Texas State Fair parade scheduled to roll down Main street at noon. Well, we got down there early so we ventured out to Klyde Warren Park then strolled toward the parade route. We took pictures and talked to everyone, of course. The parade was a lot of fun and when it was done, we followed half of the crowd back to the train stop and headed to the fair grounds. Marci had purchased a season pass for about how much two tickets would cost and her pass came with a free ticket, so she gave it to me. yay! We didn't get on any rides, even with my free admission, I could only afford to get a corn dog and a drink! But we got free samples and give aways at the exhibit buildings and walked around and took pictures.
I left her there because she still had some shopping to do. I ventured the train on my own and found my way back to school where I left my car. I headed home, showered and proceeded to the Greek Festival where I met up with Evelyn and Tim. They only stayed a little while, but I enjoyed the food, watching the dancing, the music and the cooking demos.
Now I am applying for a new part time job (for either clerical or graphic design) due to the financial situation my school has left me in. I hope I get one of the new jobs because  I have absolutely had it with retail. I don't have to work again until saturday and already I'm dreading it.
For now, enjoy these pictures and videos:
looking up at Big Tex at the Texas State Fairgrounds
Marci dippin' her feet in the fountain, Klyde Warren Park

Sometimes you just can't find the right way to stop a truck...

a pumpkin patch chalk drawing on my sidewalk

directions at the Greek Festival

video at the parade