Wednesday, December 24, 2014

So life goes on

As you know, a friend of mine passed away in mid-November and since then all of us who knew him have been affected one way or another. With heavy hearts, we move on with our own lives.
Thanksgiving was just around the corner. I knew I could go to my friend's house and join in, but I wanted to have my own Thanksgiving for all the single people with no place else to go. The boyfriend went to Austin to see his dad - Mexicans don't celebrate our Thanksgiving, you know. For everyone who showed up, we had a blast- of course. We ate and drank, watched movies, played Go-Fish and Old Maid, had a coloring contest and decorated cookies, also a football game was on, but I don't know who paid any attention to that.
After Thanksgiving, I had a hard time getting back into the groove of school. With only a few more weeks left to finish my projects, I felt like everything was moving too fast now. I did, of course, get everything done. I presented my rebranded Subway Cafe and Jason's Deli items, presented my website designs, gave my speech in Oral Communications (and, for the final exam our professor sang the answers to the test to us!) and I also gave a presentation about my promotion kit for a non-profit. I got 3 A's and a B.
Now on to better news. I quit working as a cashier at JoAnn. The day I left my two week notice, everyone, and I mean everyone, was UPSET. "Why you want to leave us, Vicki?" and "We can give you more hours if you need more money." No thanks, I'm done standing 8 hours a day, it kills my back and my legs, I'm done arguing with people about coupons and taking the blame for things I can't control, I'm done answering the phone while checking someone and taking a coupon and looking up inventory and greeting people, calling for back up that never shows up and asking questions and answers over the radio all at the same time for only eight bucks an hour!
I found a nice little office job out at the DFW airport where I quietly work alone four hours a day, Monday through Friday from 8AM to noon. They are willing to work with my school schedule and I don't have to answer phones or even talk to anyone if I don't want to on any given day. I simply come in, and enter numbers from the bus drivers' passenger count sheets from 3 shifts into a database in the computer. I also file and verify information. Soon I'll be putting together packets for hiring drivers and other jobs available during a job fair. That's it! And they pay me ten dollars an hour for that and it's a guaranteed 20 hours a week. Sometimes it may be an hour longer on a certain day, but no less than 20 for sure. You all know I'm not a fan of mornings, but I am happy to get up and go to this job because I know I'm not going to drive home later upset and stressed out. Plus, when I get home, I have literally all day left to work on my projects, or read or whatever!
So, the shortage of my funds is coming to a close because I also got approved for food stamps short term. I can apply again in three months if I want or need to, but with my new job, I should be okay by then.
I photoshopped this, it's me "modeling" some Subway stuff I made

another shot of some of the rebranded Subway stuff
a diagram of a new sandwich bag for Jason's Deli I engineered and designed.
I made the little drawings, too!

a diagram of the soup cup wrap I made for Jason's Deli.
a mock up of my websites mobile look
a mock up of a website for fitness, I made up the name "Push It" and made the little logo for it too.
I designed the layout and the colors.

a magazine ad I made for my non-profit. I wrote
all the copy for it too.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

In a day

Just about a month ago, I texted a friend to see if he wanted to go to the Klyde Warren Park with me and my friend Evelyn and little Zara. He said he had to work, but maybe later. So two days later I texted him about coming over to watch American Horror Story that we and a few others enjoy. He said he was sick so I didn't go over. I had to dog sit anyway. I figured he was going through his allergy stuff again and I'd see him in a few days. Well, in the next few days he sent out a picture of where he was from his hospital bed. I was a little concerned, but did not take the time to see him because I knew he'd be out soon. And he was, but when I asked if he wanted to go see a play with me, he said the meds he was on made him so exhausted. A few days later his mother sent a text to say he was in the hospital again.
That was last week.
I drove down to the hospital to see him after my shift on Monday. He died on Tuesday night. He had a cancer that caused complications to his treatment. It happened so fast, a lot of his friends out of state didn't even know he was sick. The worst part about all this, is that even though his parents were with him in the end, he still couldn't tell them he was gay. Even when he was dying, he didn't feel they would accept him.
I hope anyone reading this who has children would never let your child go through something like this. They are your children and you should love them no matter what. Your kids will always have a different opinion than you on some stuff, but that should not stop you from loving them.

Rest in Peace my beautiful friend.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Humans and lettuce

The Humans:

On Wednesday nights I have my Oral Communications class. My professor is a hoot and I think he's pretty good at explaining why we need to study how to communicate. If I'm able to give the right answers at an interview, then I'll be above the rest of the artists trying for the same job.
Here is a sample of the syllabus for this class and hilighted in yellow is why he cracks us up:

The Lettuce:

So, on Tuesdays I have class from 1-5 then again from 6-10. In between I stroll over to Which 'Wich and have a sandwich for dinner. This week, after eating a hot roast beef, I was picking lettuce from between my teeth - a usual thing - when my filling popped out. "Oh Jaysus, what the hell is going on?" I moved my tongue around and felt the hole in my very back left bottom molar. It didn't hurt and there was no sensitivity, so I thought, "Well, I guess I'll just find a dentist tomorrow and see about getting that put back together."
That was the plan. Here is what resulted. This tooth had a filling in it already on the top from when I was in the Air Force stationed at Wichita Falls. Then, a few years ago, another filling was put on the other side of the tooth in Maryland. This is the filling that popped out. It was never put in properly in the first place so the whole tooth is in decay. So my new dentist is putting on a crown and it's fourteen hundred bucks because I don't have insurance. Luckily I have a Discover credit card I can use so I called my parents because they are cosigners on the card. I told my mother what was going on and she's like "Whaaaatt?? why is it so much?" I told her "That's just how much things cost these days. It's not 1985. Anyway, I just wanted to let you know in case you see the statement you'll know I haven't been out renting limousines and hookers." Then she said, "Well, what you do is your business, just as long as you paying off the card like you said you would and not screwing up our credit."
These are the people that raised me. How great are they? 

And now I want to eat, but the whole left side of my face is still numb.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

new week, new stuff

The second week of school is underway and the new season of one of my favorite shows started on Sunday. All week I was excited to start watching The Walking Dead, then I remembered I don't have cable anymore and how could I watch my show? My friend Cathy gave me a website, which I went to on Monday after work. Since I'm technologically challenged, (not to mention it was the first day of my period, so I was in no mood to deal with something like this) I tried to get the show to play several ways and when I finally did, it was some error in loading! WTF!? I just want to lay on the couch and watch my show! Then, I asked my friend, Jeff about another website and that was taking too long to download so he sent me another link, which I eventually figured out how to load.

Some days I just want things to be easy, especially on days when my whole body hurts and I'm loosing blood by the pints. I've since discovered that if I wait until Wednesday, I can watch it on my On Demand portal Time Warner Cable is allowing me to have so far.

Now, about this school thing. In my writing for Public Relations, we have to start a blog. Well, luckily, I already have one (see?). But for the assignment, I went ahead and started a new one. If you've seen pictures of my waffle iron stuff on Pinterest or Facebook then you'll be excited to read about the experiments. is where you'll find all the new things. It's also the tab up top there that reads "Read how Vicki waffles".

I have to write a new entry each week, so it may be more reliable than this blog.
Bon Appetite!

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Me, worry? Yes.

The last few weeks or so I've been feeling nervous about school -- more like what's going to happen AFTER school, you know, like when I graduate. (I have had my concerns before, read here.)
I have concerns about being hired because will my work be good enough?
I talked to some classmates about this the other day and one guy said, "What's wrong with your work? It's fine." I said, "Yeah, it's fine, not good like yours." He just shook his head. Another girl said, "Yeah, I know what you mean because I have ideas but I have trouble making them turn out the way I envisioned."
Oh! Thank god! I thought it was only me!
But still, I feel it's lacking because I compare my projects to those of other students. My friend Nick, for example, at the end of our Observational Drawing class, his poster was hung in the hallway and of course I was jealous because I had trouble enough just drawing circles trying to block out a candlestick. Then last quarter, he finished his project in package design and it's now on display in one of the cases at school along with others who have exceptional work. My final project in that class was just ok. I had a great idea, I thought, but had trouble bringing it to fruition.
So, he's talented, no doubt, but does he have the same drive as I do? Maybe, maybe not. But work like his is what I'll be up against and this is why I'm worried.
During the lecture in my Writing for Public Relations and Promotions class today, I realized that I'm genetically wired to be in Advertising. It took me a long time to get here because I was out discovering the world first, and in turn, myself. I know myself, I know what I can do. I'm outgoing, willing to strive for just a little more and I can explain why I designed something the way I did. These, apparently, are elements needed to succeed in my career field. Does Nick possess all these? Maybe not as well as I do, but he is an excellent creator and designer - two things I'm learning to do. I know what my strengths are and I'm learning how to play those up. I also hope to have something of mine on display at school one day.
first day of the Fall quarter…weeeeee!!!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

and I just keep swimmin'

So it's my week off from school. No parties this time, but I did manage to do a weekends worth of stuff in one day.
Friday September 26, I had my final exam in my Copyright law class. Before the exam, the teacher announced the students with the highest grades and gave out art gallery books. I got the second highest grade so, yes, I got my art gallery book and love it. Thanks Mr. Darnold!
Next, I wizzed through the exam then trotted over to the train station to meet my friend Marci. We jumped on the red line and headed downtown with a plan to see the Texas State Fair parade scheduled to roll down Main street at noon. Well, we got down there early so we ventured out to Klyde Warren Park then strolled toward the parade route. We took pictures and talked to everyone, of course. The parade was a lot of fun and when it was done, we followed half of the crowd back to the train stop and headed to the fair grounds. Marci had purchased a season pass for about how much two tickets would cost and her pass came with a free ticket, so she gave it to me. yay! We didn't get on any rides, even with my free admission, I could only afford to get a corn dog and a drink! But we got free samples and give aways at the exhibit buildings and walked around and took pictures.
I left her there because she still had some shopping to do. I ventured the train on my own and found my way back to school where I left my car. I headed home, showered and proceeded to the Greek Festival where I met up with Evelyn and Tim. They only stayed a little while, but I enjoyed the food, watching the dancing, the music and the cooking demos.
Now I am applying for a new part time job (for either clerical or graphic design) due to the financial situation my school has left me in. I hope I get one of the new jobs because  I have absolutely had it with retail. I don't have to work again until saturday and already I'm dreading it.
For now, enjoy these pictures and videos:
looking up at Big Tex at the Texas State Fairgrounds
Marci dippin' her feet in the fountain, Klyde Warren Park

Sometimes you just can't find the right way to stop a truck...

a pumpkin patch chalk drawing on my sidewalk

directions at the Greek Festival

video at the parade 

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Fret then don't fret

I thought about posting weekly my upset mood over my financial situation, but then because I was so distraught about the whole thing plus continuing my school work as well as going to a job I will probably be leaving soon, I didn't.
     Here's the poop: my school only deals with one lending company. So when I ask for money to help pay tuition and my monthly living expenses, I can only deal with one place because any other place has to be approved by the school in order to defer payments until after I graduate in 18 months and of course the school doesn't approve anyone but Sallie Mae. Now, with the new director of finance at her desk, I've been informed that the school will no longer be approving any amount over the tuition with the exception of housing, which in my case is only my $580 monthly rent, not electricity, not water, not grocery money, nothing but rent. So, when I was given this information by my financial "advisor" (a term I use loosely with this woman because she's not that helpful) I almost swallowed my tongue. Then, she said "oh and you may not be approved for your 'excess funds' request" I really wanted to haul off and punch somebody at that point. I really was thinking "Man, I would be better off in prison right now, I mean, free education, free food, free bed. WTF?? Why do I feel like I'm being punished for doing nothing but good all my life? Fuck this country"
     I went home and cried about it because I really couldn't do anything else at that point but wait. I mean, my "advisor" couldn't even give me a glimmer of hope to tide me over the weekend after I turned in my request for this "excess funds". I just kept thinking that if I didn't get approved, I couldn't continue school, which means I couldn't continue to stay here, because what would be the point? I moved to Dallas to attend school, not work two jobs just to survive.
     My boyfriend (yes, I have one of those now) saw that I was home, so he came in. I didn't even move off of the couch when I saw him, I just wanted to be alone and wallow in my feeling of dread. But he didn't let me, he sat with and held me and let me cry. He didn't try to "fix" anything, he didn't offer "advice", he just let me talk and cry and I appreciated it. He stayed with me until I fell asleep even though he had to get up at 3 a.m. to go to work. After I got off of work, we got dressed, met some of my friends at Starbucks, went to dinner then commenced to drinking until I was giggly. He drove and took care of me and I appreciated that too.
     The new week of school left me feeling like this could be the last time I walk these art-filled hallways, talk to the security guards, my favorite teachers, sit in the student lounge and watch all the happenings. I didn't want that, I wanted to continue until I graduated as I had planned, find a job somewhere in the country and start my new life. But what if I couldn't? I tried to keep that thought out of my head at least until Friday when I would know if I got approved or not.
     Friday September 5th I got approved for my request for tuition and "excess funds", now I just needed to apply to Sallie Mae to see if I needed a co-signer again or not. I kept hoping I would not because I really do not want to put my parents through that responsibility again and I hate asking them for money.  I did get approved without a cosigner because apparently I make enough money to cover the amount I'm borrowing and I have renewed my credit capabilities by applying for and using my new Discover card (even though I just use it twice a month for gas and pay it off).
     A little light was starting to come through my dark tunnel. I know I'm going to be in debt until I die, but it will be my debt and nobody else's and I'm ok with that.
     I still need to find another job to make up for the $200 I'm lacking due to the new "excess funds" rule. I'm applying to a few places, hoping to get my proverbial foot in the graphic design door, but also to a few places that just pay more. So far I've been told two positions have been filled and that one was not taking applications any longer. I have until January because that is when my extra money I have saved will run out and also when Joann will only be giving me about 5 hours a week.
     I have a lot of work to do to prepare my portfolio since my one flash drive went missing and my other one erased itself. I have no digital files what so ever and have to start completely all over with anything I wanted to put in for my portfolio. I will have to do that over the Christmas break to prepare for my Portfolio Prep class at school for the Winter quarter. It's a lot of work, but at least I can still go to school for the next 9 months.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Pancakes and Sanskrit

I saw my friend Guillermo today and he asked what I'd been up to lately. I told him I'm stressing out about money. He laughed and said that's normal, everybody's doing that. At least I'm in the popular crowd.

Anyway, I got a 52 (out of a possible 100 points) on my Dynamics of Mass Media and Communication midterm exam. I knew I had done badly because as soon as the exam was passed out, all I could do was stare helplessly at the five essay questions as the fleeting information escaped through my hair follicles. The rest of the class was busy scribbling, filling in their blank pages and I wondered, "What the hell are they writing??" Here is an example of one of the questions and my answer:

Yes, it's pretty comical, but at least I wrote something and got half credit. 
The only good news about this is because I wasn't the only one who performed poorly (Thanks Emily and Mimi), my teacher offered us a chance to gain 20 more points. This will bring my grade up to an F+, so that's good. In order to gain said extra credit, we have to present in front of the class in a 5 minute Powerpoint type presentation, the correct answer to the question we got deducted from the most. 
Well, you see, this would be okay if, when the teacher explained the answer in class, it didn't translate in my head to this:
"So when a rating of purple hats circles one percent of chicken feet 
you get pancakes because a house equals Sanskrit out of say a million"

I guess I know what I'll be doing on my Labor Day vacation while the rest of America is drinking beer and grilling hot dogs.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

the day I ate a kangaroo

So my friend Marci calls me up the other day and asked if I could take her over to a hospital in Rockwall to get some van keys from someone. Ok, sure, why not? I just needed to finish my props for my presentation in Philosophical Perspectives in food class. We found out where the hospital was and on the way we saw two places that we figured needed visiting: The Pickle Shack and The Beef Jerky Hut. After our mission was completed, we back tracked so we could find said establishments. We happened upon the beef jerky place and found a wonderful assortment of treasures! All kinds of meat into jerky and they give samples too! Seasonings, spices, popcorn (I like the dill pickle popcorn), tshirts about being a meat eater, and cheese! We loaded up on some goodies I got some seasonings and a couple of kangaroo jerky sticks, and a new bumper sticker that says "P.E.TA…. people eating tasty animals" Of course, I put this next to my other controversial sticker, aka "the vagina" sticker. We didn't have time to find The Pickle Shack, but I am interested to find out if it's a store that sells pickles and such or if it's a porn shop. Another day.

lots of good shit available here!

Tuesday, August 5, 2014


I love the saying one of my teachers blurted out during critique last night.
He was going over how we're going to be incorporating color into our logos we are designing for our companies we chose to rebrand (I chose Aldo shoes).

He said
"If it's a color that's on the color wheel, it's not a real color - it's just an ingredient."

Because of this, I'm going to try to use a coppery green as one of the main colors in my new logo I'm working on.

I will post my work here, of course, when I'm done.

the color wheel of ingredients

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

not a good schedule

So I've got two classes on Monday, one on Tuesday afternoon and then again on Friday morning. This is not a good schedule because after the two Monday classes, I want to do my homework for them because I'm in the zone toward the end of class, but have to wait until sometime on Tuesday, but then I have homework for that class too. Then having a class on Friday morning just screws up everything, mostly because it's morning.
But it's too late to change my schedule now so I will just have to figure out a way to get into a zone between working on Wednesday and Thursday. What makes this difficult is boys. My friend Alex always wants me to go out to this Mexican place for beer between classes. Of course I say yes, because one, beer, and two, Alex is a cute guy (but only wants one thing from me, which is ok sometimes)

Currently, my neighbor, who I have seen around since before I moved into this new apartment, has started talking to me. I've always thought he was super hot, but thought he didn't speak English and my Spanish isn't that great…turns out, he does speak English, just not very well, and like me with Spanish, doesn't speak it too often because he's afraid to say the wrong word. I don't mind it though, I understand even if he does say the wrong word.
So, Sunday afternoon I'm drawing the yellow brick road on my sidewalk and he comes over and I say in Spanish "Do you know this movie?" (Sabes este pelicular?) And he looks at me and smiles, but doesn't say anything right away, so I think, "Did I say that right? Yes, I said it right" Then he says, in English, "No, I don't think so." I was surprised because he was speaking English, but anyway, I continued and told him it was The Wizard of Oz. After that we started talking about everything, he in English mostly, and I in Spanish a little. Then he left to go to the store and brought back a six pack of Pacifico and gave it to me. I said "Oh thanks!" and took one and handed him the carton but he said, "No, is all for you. I remember you say you like." I thought, "Wow, that's so cool. All he's gotta do now is bring me food and he's in."
He said he is working in Waco during the week (I was wondering where he was, I just figured he had a girlfriend and was staying with her) but would I like to go have some dinner with him on Saturday when he gets back. Of course I said yes, because one, food and two, he's super hot.

Now, you tell me, with all that, how am I supposed to concentrate on my homework?
follow the yellow brick road to my door, please :)

Thursday, July 24, 2014

in a sea of screaming teens

Tuesday, before class, I went to the mall to visit this shoe store on which I'm doing my rebranding project, Aldo Shoes. While I was there, I decided to visit some other well-known stores and take pictures of the "vibe" and "feel" and "theme" of their stores so I could get a good idea of what I wanted to do for my store. Outside the Louis Vuitton store, a security guard stopped me and said, "Ma'am, gonna have to ask you to stop photographing. You need permission from the mall management."
Well, first, I did not know that, and second, DON'T CALL ME MA'AM! What's wrong with, "Excuse me, Miss."??

So I go into my store and ask for the manager so I can get permission to take pictures of the products for my project, except there's no manager there and I'm asked to come back on Thursday after 1.

Now comes Thursday, my day to practice getting up "early" for my Friday morning class. I rolled out of bed about 7:30 and sat like a bored zombie on my couch, hugging a cup of coffee. I got a few ideas written down about my Philosophical Perspectives on Food class project, took a shower, arranged my face and hair, cooked some eggs and then it was barely 10 am. This morning business is too long and not very exciting. Then I farted around on the interwebs for a bit then left to go to school to put together a slide show.
Ok, so about 2 o'clock I head over the the mall to see the manager. I pull into the parking lot area where I always park because it's never crowded -- except for some reason today it was. Inside I notice a lot, I mean A LOT of teenagers cruising around. I know it's summer, but it's still unusual for this many teens to be at any mall on any given day. Then I notice the majority of them are all crowed up along the second floor, a line wrapping around the upstairs walkway. And they all start screaming at once. Startled, of course, I look up and they are all ogling and taking pictures in one particular direction.
Wow, is there a celebrity shopping here today? That's not unusual, it's Dallas, but how would all these kids know so quick if there was? Well, there was a celebrity here today. Two in fact, if you consider them celebrities, which I don't: Kendall and Kylie Jenner have a new line of clothing at the PacSun sportswear store and were there passing out canvas shopping bags and signing autographs. Every time someone exited the store, kids started screaming again and dude, I had to get outta there.

If you're wondering "Who the hell are Kendall and Kylie?" you're not alone.

Friday, July 18, 2014


S.F.W.I.F is my new abbreviation substitute for T.G.I.F and who can guess what it stands for?
Ok, I can tell you've given up. 
It means "so fuckin' what it's Friday" in homage to my new Friday morning class.
The class is Media Business Law and it starts at 8 on a Friday morning.

The problem with this is not the material, although I do find law boring, it is not the teacher, he is a delightful individual and I told him so on a note I handed in on the contact sheet we had to fill out. You see, the problem is it's MORNING! Morning goes against all that is natural to me. Anything before 10 am is too early for me. Anyone I used to work with in Amarillo knows this, why can't Dallas understand it? The only good thing about the whole ordeal is there are no people in the class that are "Happy Morning" people. Everyone is pretty chill and I appreciate that because I didn't have to punch anyone in the face today.
me in class

On with the rest of the day. Since it was ruined already, I decided to visit my "wonderful" financial advisor. She informed me that the school is disbursing the refunds in a new way now and will not be going to my bank account which I have set up as a direct deposit. So now I have to set up a new account at a new bank and then transfer the money to my bank to pay my damn bills. FML…why did they do this? Also, the requirements for loans have changed and I just can't wait to tell my parents about this and keep my fingers crossed that I still qualify for a loan so I can pay my living expenses and continue to go to school….THE WHOLE REASON I MOVED TO DALLAS!!!

Now, I go to complete my homework for Monday's class and the student and faculty drive is down and who know when it will be up again. Shit! That is where my homework is. If it's not fixed by Monday I'm screwed because I didn't save it to my flash drive. Ok, so I guess I will go look for the books I need for my new Media Business Law class. They are over $90 a piece at the school bookstore so of course I laughed and said, "Fuck that" and left to HalfPrice Books down the road. I found my books for about $24 for the both of them. I don't think there were another copies, so I don't know what my classmates are gonna do. We have three chapters to read for the quiz next week.
I have an essay due in my Philosophical Perspectives in Food class. The instructions were to "articulate as clearly as possible what you think about the importance of food in human culture." I went with something I know: The ol' Municipal Court Food Days!
Here is my essay, tell me what you think.

Consider the Office Potluck Luncheon

An office potluck luncheon is proof that the right food is critical to the culture of the people in the office and the dynamics of its personnel. Just across the United States alone, any company these days is comprised of people ranging in age and ethnicity. This, of course makes for an interesting food day because who else except those from North Dakota and Minnesota would get excited about seeing something called “Tater Tot Hot Dish” on the sign up sheet posted in the break room or even know what it is? Nobody in a California office would acknowledge the maritime delights of “French Fried Jimmy Crabs” unless they had just moved from Maryland.  Who in Utah would salivate over the thought of a bowl of Louisiana’s best crawfish soup? And how many cube mates in Maine would delight in the anticipation of a taste of red chilequiles from Sedona, Arizona? The anticipation of knowing a special day celebrated with food is the most talked about event all week. Sure someone may mention the actual business at hand and there may even be some talk about last nights’ sporting event or a TV show, but nothing beats arguing about who makes the best cheeseball and how the pea salad made by the lady in accounting just melts across your tongue.
Historically, food was hunted and gathered and was simply a vehicle for gaining nutrition. These days, that’s okay if all you want to do is make a turd, but food should be prepared in a way that is to be shared and remembered. In a gathering such as the office potluck, presenting specialty dishes and hand-me-down recipes stimulate the senses: “That looks delicious”, “That smells heavenly”, “The texture is so creamy”, “Listen to that crackle”, “This tastes like dirt”.
Talking about food is a good starting point at breaking down barriers and allows people to connect in order to promote further conversation. Groups become exposed to multiple viewpoints no matter the subject and this allows for more productive problem solving once lunch is over. The food we eat has a way of bringing us together and in the case of the office culture it can even help build a team. The office potluck brings everyone together in the same way an old-fashioned dinner brought families to the table: communication. When people are sifting through green bean casserole, rhubarb pie, a six-inch grinder and a pot of three-alarm chili, questions about the ingredients and where to get them awaits answers. While picking through the choices of pasta salads, inquiries on whose recipe is best and can copies be generated and distributed are asked; because when on any other day would someone from the file room think to talk to someone from the distribution department or who would suspect that the second shift security guard makes the best chili outside of Texas?
Dishes brought to the office potluck represent the different cultures that make up the people in any one certain place, which, of course, represents all of us.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Pick a market, any market

This class I have on Tuesdays is called "Dynamics of Media and Mass Communications". We apparently are going to learn how to appeal to consumers by using different programs such as TV, radio, magazines and what not to integrate a brand campaign.


Well anyway, my first assignment was to analyze some YouTube videos, specifically the last Super Bowl commercials. The rubric we had to follow included choosing a best and worst ad, supporting our point of views with facts and examples about the target audience and the product and also being able to use proper grammar in our memo form paper.

Here is mine, tell me what you think:

Week Two Homework: Super Bowl Critique

            An assignment to watch YouTube videos sounded exciting at first, but to get into the head of the target audience was challenging to me, in fact, figuring out who was the target audience was challenging to me as well. It’s a good thing I like a challenge.
            In watching the commercials for the 2014 Super Bowl, I felt the best was Bud Light’s “Up for whatever” series of ads that tied everything together with the whole commercial showing at the conclusion of the game. At first we are shown a number of 30 second spots which somehow appeals to and yet seems to slightly pique the interest of young men ages 21 to about 31 by showing celebrities like Don Cheadle with a llama and Arnold Schwarzenegger in a ping pong outfit. So, throughout the whole sporting event, when a piece of the ad is shown, viewers are wondering, “What the heck?” At the end when all the segments are put together after Ian, a young, single guy and a prime example of Bud Lights target audience, is offered a Bud Light then led in a genius unscripted romp through the night, the message is clear: If you drink our beer, cool stuff like this could happen to you. The execution is unorthodox and memorable, just like an unexpected night of partying might become and that definitely strikes a chord with the target.
            The worst for me was Maserati in their “Now we strike” ad. While most Maserati vehicles cost well over one hundred thousand dollars, the car advertised here is their more “affordable” model. Still, the product appeals to those who can afford it or aspire to one day obtain one: the young and rich and I do not feel this commercial hit the mark at all.  First of all, the ad starts out as if we should all be saving the Earth from something, but blathers on like we’re coming upon an apocalypse, then a revved up engine precedes Maserati’s new offering and the tag line is “Now we strike.” Huh? I think the young and rich audience are left wondering “Strike what? Who’s striking? What are they striking?” The whole ordeal is fluff and only memorable in the way of waiting to get to work the next day so you can ask
co-workers, “What the hell was that all about?”


Tuesday, July 15, 2014

All day Mondays

I'm excited about my Philosophical Perspectives class because the focus is on food: the history and how it affects our society. 
There are 3 graphic design students (including me), 1 film student, 1 photography student and the rest of the class (about 15 others) are all culinary students. I've had this teacher before, Mrs. Uhlmeyer, for Art History, so I'm familiar with what she expects.
My friend Crystal is in the class and never had the pleasure of this teacher's tutelage, and she appeared a little frightened with all the verbiage being thrown about, so I patted her hand and said, "Don't worry, I help you."
The lectures seem to serve as a point of inspiration to spark ideas for our papers and projects we'll have due. Of course I like listening to history lectures anyway. I could watch the History channel all day.

Now, in my only design class I have this quarter, Corporate Identity, I'm nervous about redesigning a company's identity.  This website, has some really good examples of what we'll be doing. We had to pick a company from a list given to us. I chose Aldo Shoes.
I know nothing about fashion or being fashion forward, so I'm definitely not a customer. But we have our assignment, questions to answer, a process to go through in order to be able to come up with ideas for our redesign. So far, I've realized that their current logo, which is just type based, is outdated. So I'm going to try to come up with a symbol based logo. My teacher thinks this is a good idea, too. I have had this teacher before, Mr. Abraham, and he's pretty good at assisting in ideas and design.
I'm still worried that I won't be able to either come up with a good idea or that I still don't possess the skills necessary to make my idea come to fruition.

On a fun note, I got a kiss on the cheek today from a boy I like and I think another guy I like gave me a flirtatious compliment. I sat at a table where he was, and a bunch of other people were at the next table looking at something on a laptop. So when I sat, I realized I might be in his way, so I turned and said, "oops,  am I in your line of sight" and he said, "Nah, and even if you were, it's ok." *Blush*