So last week I thought I had passed some kidney stones and thought I had a UTI and I went to the doctor. No UTI but yes I did have evidence of kidney stones...apparently they had not all passed - not until Friday afternoon, halfway through one of my classes. I started feeling an intense pain in my side so I took some ibuprofens. The pain continued but I was ok to finish my class assignment, then at 5 I wasn't feeling any pain, but my kidney felt swollen and all day I felt like I had to pee really bad, but never did.
Well, around 7:00 I'm chillin' on my couch, doodling and watching t.v. when another wave of pain hit, this time really really bad. The same pain I felt 4 years ago almost to the day when my friends here in Dallas had to take me to the emergency room. Of course, I don't have the money to go to the emergency room now, so I took 200 mg of the Tramadol my doctor had given me last week but didn't feel the need to take before.
I don't know what happened in the following hour because I couldn't hear anything but my own screams and cries into my pillow as I wriggled around in the worst pain I've ever felt in my life (for the second time). Slowly the pills started to take affect and I was able to lay down. My head felt dizzy and I felt sleepy and I was hot. I lay in bed until about 11pm, then I got up and turned on (brace yourselves) the air-conditioner and was really able to pee a good long pee. If the stone came out at that point, I don't know, I didn't look in the toilet. Hopefully that little bastard is on it's way to the sewer.
Now, Saturday, I woke up thinking all was going to be sunshine and daisies. I was wrong. The Tramadol worked well at taking away my pain, but I also got all the side affects: constipation (still dealing with), dizziness, nausea, vomiting and headache. I knew this would all take some time to go away, but I hate feeling like shit. To make matters worse, my upstairs neighbors were home, as usual because they have no life - at all - and of course were making the floor squeak as badly as possible. I banged on the wall several times, resulting in throwing up almost each time, and all those assholes did was bang back. I really needed the strength or some huge gorilla guy to go up there and say "look dickheads, Vicki is absurdly sick today, so calm the fuck down." My headache was thick and pounding and just getting worse and I was out of ibuprofen so I sent out a mass text to people who I knew were close and knew where I lived. My friend Jerrad came over with a lifetime supply of the pills and also did my dishes for me. So thank him for that! About 20 minutes later, Evelyn showed up with another lifetime supply of the pills and some chocolates. She stayed and made me some broth and made me eat some saltines, so I appreciate that. I had wanted to eat some broth before, but I couldn't get to the kitchen to make it myself, so I thank her for that.
I was peeing regularly the rest of the day and Sunday I woke feeling better, just sore. So I hope that's it for at least another 4 years.
I know what type of kidney stones I have: Oxalate. Too much of this mineral in some people who don't consume enough water will keep these crystals forming and keep the kidney stone pain coming every so often.
I have this list of foods to avoid and I hate it:
beans, beer, beets, berries (strawberries especially), chocolate, coffee, cranberries, dark green vegetables like spinach, nuts, oranges, rhubarb, sodas, sweet potatoes, tea and tofo.
So, what does that leave me to eat? Eggs and broccoli? Fuck broccoli and fuck kidney stones.
I hate you!
what my pee says about me...I don't have any idea what any of this means |